Politicians often talk of black money parked in Swiss Banks but always fail in their exercise because they are not honest in their utterings.They made unprecedented hue and cry before last general election on huge amount of black money parked in Swiss Banks but politicians of all parties became almost silent after the declaration of election result. What they say and what they mean to do is always different. India is still rated rate as one of the top corrupt nations and one of the top ranking hunger inflicted state of the world even though Indian leaders claim and feel proud of achieving comparable GDP growth in the economy and said to be decoupled with global recession or global financial meltdown.
As a matter of fact rulers of this country could not stop increasing trend of corrupt practices in the system and continuous rise in formation, use and promotion of black money in the country and hence they cannot force foreign country to declare name of Indians who have parked money in Swiss bank. Similarly when investing agencies like CBI, ED, Vigilance, IT officials and other regulating agencies are themselves corrupt they cannot stop spreading cancer of corruption in the Indian body system.
(When rulers themselves are corrupt they cannot endanger their own money parked in either Swiss Bank or in Indian financial and real estate sector. When our rulers cannot stop Indian brand of terrorist known as Maoist or naxals on some plea or the other they cannot dream of stopping foreign based terrorist carrying out terror attacks on India.)
It is rightly said by the great writer Munsi Pre Chand.
"Jab Rakchak hi Bhakchak Ban jaye to vinash nishchit Hai"
When almost every minister at Center and almost every minister in each State government is indulged in making money through corrupt means, when officers in general are involved in corrupt game played by politicians and when all authorities entrusted with the duty of stopping and removing corruption from the system and finally unearthing ill earned money are busy in making money through corrupt means who will make serious efforts to unearth money held in Swiss Bank.
Persons or group of person who have kept their black money in Swiss Bank are none other than politicians and government officers. When top officers and top ministers are corrupt one cannot imagine of businessmen and professionals abiding by Indian rules and following rule of ethics. It is government officers and politicians who make survival of honest service men, honest businessmen and professionals difficult and force them to manufacture black money and share with them to live peacefully. Honesty has rather become curse for government servants as well as businessmen and professionals.
Black money is not only in Swiss bank, it is parked in banks in India too. Black money is concealed in form of gold, land and building, apartment, big bazaars, farm houses, private professional colleges and in almost all big houses. Black money is visible to all whose eye is not jaundiced with the decease of black money. Nine out of ten multi storied residential building and commercial complex in Metros and big towns are constructed by ill earned black money only. It is open secret. As such it is not necessary to focus attention on money parked in Swiss Bank and make politics out of it but is more important to focus on black money parked in India and which is visible in India itself.
It is necessary for almost all politician and officers working in government and government departments to introspect and look into their heart whether they are really honest. Politicians in general cannot afford contesting and winning an election without the help of black money received from businessmen and at the same time without the indirect support of controlling officials none of the businessmen can imagine of tax evasion.
Without the support of corrupt officers, none of the contractors in India can carry out their tendered allotted work. More than fifty percent of value of contract work allotted by government to contractors is consumed in distributing commissions to corrupt officers and politicians. Ministers cannot even organize a rally without the financial support from local corrupt officers, black money of rich businessmen and professional.